My Tribe is Good for My Soul

I am convinced God puts the right people at the exact moment in your life for a reason. He knows what we need.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized how important it is to be around people who are good for my soul. I’ve been blessed to have many of those.

From old high school friends who I’ve grown up with to my workout “beast” friends a few years ago to my current tribe who were there for me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m also blessed to have a husband as my best friend. He’s been my rock and I know I can always count on him. But it’s also important to have a group (which may consist of two, three or in my case right now, five) who you can call on at any time.

I read somewhere that when we’re going through a tough time, “we need to speak to someone who feels just as deeply as we do, someone who won’t say ‘just get over it,’ someone who takes the time to analyze and inspect every facet of the experience and the feeling in order to help us get through it.” And I believe that is absolutely true.

I know that I can call on my current tribe and I know they will pray for me, pray with me, laugh with me, cry with me, stand by me against a “bully” or be my truth tellers. I also know I can and will do the exact same for them.

Thank you God for always making sure that I have special friends when I needed them in my life. #FoundMyTribe

Published by katiekey1

I'm a Mom, wife, & cancer survivor! I started this blog along with my "Midlifer Mamas and More" FB and IG pages to be your Encourager & Accountability Partner! If you would like to email me and learn how I can help, please send to:

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